1   Customs requirements concerning cargo and other articles

1.1  Arrival Report including List of supplies for aircraft, Passenger list, Crew list, Crew's Effects List and Manifest shall be submitted to Customs without delay after arrival except when approved by Customs, List of supplies for aircraft or Crew's Effects List can be omitted.
1.2  Application including following items and List of cargo on board shall be submitted to Customs for departure.
  1. aircraft type, registration mark and nationality

  2. number of passenger, crew and transit passenger

  3. number of cargo on board and tonne

  4. airport of loading, destination and date/time for departure

1.3  Unless otherwise approved by Customs, Goods shall not be loading and unloading or transhipping before completing arrival process.
1.4  Anyone who want to load and unload or tranship cargo on foreign trade aircraft shall report to Customs and Unless otherwise approved by Customs, this cargo shall be confirmed by Customs
1.5  Anyone who want to load and unload or tranship following goods to/from foreign trade aircraft shall get the permission from Customs.
  1. supplies for aircraft

  2. goods sold in foreign trade aircraft

2   Animal, Animal Products & Plant Quarantine

2.1  Animals and animal products
2.1.1  All imported animals and animal products are checked whether they are from import-prohibited regions and conform to import health requirements. In the case of animals, only healthy animals which have been certified through clinical inspection and laboratory test while stationed in import quarantine facilities, shall be permitted to be imported.
2.1.2  Import of all poultry articles from countries which have had recent epidemics of Avian Influenza such as China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia is prohibited. Any passenger who carries concerned poultry articles must declare them to an animal quarantine officer.
2.1.3  Import of all animals and animal products like beef, pork, pettitoes, sausages, ham, jerky and beef boiled in soy from countries that have Foot-and-Mouth Disease such as China, Mongolia, Russia and Thailand is prohibited. Any passenger who carries concerned articles must declare them to an animal quarantine officer.
2.1.4  Passengers must declare the following articles at the airport

- Animals such as dogs, cats, pet birds, etc.

- Animal products such as deer antlers, bones, blood meal, etc.

- Beef, pork, mutton, poultry meat and sausages

- Processed meat such as ham, jerky, beef cooked in soy sauce, canned beef extract, etc.

- Dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter

- Eggs and processed egg products such as albumin, egg powder, etc.

Designated quarantine materials


Animal Products

  1. Cloven hoofed animals(cattle, swine, deer, etc)

  2. Soliped animals(horse, rhinos, etc)

  3. Pet animals

  4. Wild animals and birds(bear, wild duct, etc)

  5. Other mammals(except whales)

  1. Meat(Beef, Pork, Poultry, etc)

  2. Animal products such as raw hides, feathers, animal, hair, meat and bone meal, antlers, etc

  3. Feedstuffs, etc

2.1.5  Quarantine for Dogs and Cats
  1. Documents requirement for import quarantine

    1. Animal health certificate issued by the animal health authorities of export country is required for the companion animals(dog-cats) brought into Korea

      - Animal health certificate must clearly provide microchip mumber and rabies antibody test results(0.5IU/ml≥) (The pets less than 90 days olds or from rabies-free countries are exempted for rabies antibody test)

      (The pets less than 90 days olds or from rabies-free countries are exempted)

      * Laboratory for rabies antibody test : Internationally accredited laboratories or the competent authorities of the exporting countries

    2. In the case of importing more than 10 dogs or cats, a permission from the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency(QIA) is required in advance

    3. An additional certificate is required to import dogs or cats from Australia or Malaysia. Please contact with the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency(QIA) first.

  2. Documents requirement for export quarantine

    1. Rabies vaccination certificate or others which comply with importing countries' requirements

    2. As more documents to take your dog or cat to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, EU, etc., may be needed, contact the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency(QIA) for further information.

2.2  Plant and plant products
2.2.1  A phytosanitary certificate issued by government authorities of an exporting country is required for import plants or plant products, which are subject to plant quarantine inspection upon arrival.
2.2.2  Any person who imports plants or plant products must declare to the Head of the National Plant Quarantine Organization of Korea and undergo inspection.
2.2.3  Import prohibited items

Plants produced in or plants that passed through areas where pests known to have serious damages to local plants if introduced into Korea are present according to the result of pest risk analysis

  1. Fresh fruits (such as mango and papaya etc.), fresh vegetable fruits, unripe beans, walnuts (except those without shell), paddy seed, sweet potato, chili pepper and potato etc.

  2. Bonsai and nursery stocks of apple tree and grapevine plant

  3. Any live pathogens or pests (including pet insects)

  4. Soil or plants contaminated with soil

  5. Containers or packaging of the above mentioned plants or plant products

    * Import prohibited items will be destroyed or returned to the country of origin.

2.3  Aquatic Animals & Aquatic Animal Products
2.3.1  Designated quarantine materials

- Farming : Aquatic Animals (Including Semen and eggs)

- Human consumption, research & development : Live aquatic animals such as finfish, mollusks and crustacea, frozen or refrigerated abalones and oysters

※ Aquatic Animals : Finfiish, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Cephalopods, Echinoids, Holothurians, Urochords, Polychaetes, Echiuroids, Amphibians, Terrapins, Cetaceans

2.3.2  A health certificate, which has been issued by government authorities of an exporting country and proves that the aquatic animals concerned have no risk for spread of pathogen, is required, upon arrival.
2.3.3  A traveler desiring to carry designated quarantine materials into Korea must declare them to an aquatic animal quarantine officer upon arrival and get quarantine. In the case of farming, it is prohibited to carry them into Korea.
2.3.4  Aquatic animals infected with the pathogen of infectious diseases (including diagnostic reagents) are prohibited into Korea and a permission from the director general of National Fishery Products Quality Management Service(NFQS) is required in advance.